Statsy Clockbot
The Statsy Clockbot is an application that enables sellers to automatically renew their listings at any time they choose. Being situated in Europe, I often had to lose sleep to renew my stuff at times when I could get some exposure. The Clockbot means that non-American Etsy sellers can get their bedtimes back, and American Etsy sellers don't need to worry about renewing when they're away from home!
How do you use it?
Clockbot is dead-simple to use. First, go to Statsy and open the Clockbot log-in page. Click the “log in” button and you'll be redirected back to Etsy to confirm that you're giving Clockbot permission to renew your listings (read more about that in this blog post). Notice that you don't need to give out a password and that you can easily revoke permission if you need to.
You'll be sent back to Statsy and see Clockbot's renewing planner. To schedule a renewal, choose a listing from your shop by clicking the “choose listing from shop” link, and click on a listing title from the window that opens (or manually enter a listing ID from a URL). Next, set the date and time for the renewal from the dropdowns and select “Schedule." Please keep in mind that the time is relative to United States Eastern Standard Time.
You can add any number of listings to the queue, and even the same listing multiple times. If you change your mind, you can easily edit your selections with the big “delete” button on the far right of the table. Finally, if you're done listing and want to end your session, click the “log out” button in the top left corner.
Read more here:
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