My Son.......had his first ever ball game yesterday. I had to take him while my other son had a soccer game at the same it was run run run. Liam was not too fond of the game as he really didn't understand what to do and he got up with bases loaded and struck out! I have the video clip and will get it up on youtube and here. The first little boy had a great hit to the outfield and took off running to THIRD BASE lol coaches were screaming wrong way wrong way, by the time he realized he was running the wrong way and then he cut across the pitchers mound to get to first base he got himself out but was too funny. Sooo we have many games up til June to play. My younger son has two more WHEW! Life as a soccer mom and as a ball game mom. What's next on the agenda? Karate classes......
Oh and all my clothings and goodies will be up on ebay tonight low starting bids and no reserves.....hankies are already up on there......
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