And finally the newest addition FaYing or Fa fa for short. She is purebread tortie Siamese.
Soooo not only do I have big babies ie...hubby, kids but fur babies too.
Our website is dedicated to the craft of sewing; from artistic doll designs to OOAK creations. We make handmade cloth dolls of all varieties and styles. Come take a gander at what we have to offer.....
Lovely furfamily you have there and they seem to all get along! Sweet!
Thanks they all do except one cat and the dog.
Just love all of your furbabies!! They all seem like hams!!! very fine animals!!
Laura ann
Look at all your fur babies...wowsa... We used to have a Clyde too... he went to a new home (Andy's dads) he never liked Stewie... poor thing, he need a dog free home... Hahahaha Hugs, Mo
Yeah we used to have a Bonnie and Clyde but we gave Bonnie away to a sick friend.
I loved seeing your kitties...they look very sweet. Happy Birthday to your son, too. Happy St. Patricks Day. ~Natalie
Thanks Natalie :)
I love your zoo!
Caroline :)
Thanks Caroline, they are a handful but I love them all :)
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