So I am frustrated because I have to take this medicine for the rest of my life basically because I have intersistial cystitis so I am stuck as there is only one medicine that works until they find another that works as this is the only one but anyway it makes my hair fall out. 5% of people it does that to and I have to be one of them! So basically my hair is long and I liked it until now when it is so see through that I feel like Michael Bolton LOL Soooooo long story short the doc told me to stp the meds but when I tried I got sooo sick with pain in 4 days that he told me I couldn't stop it and probably never will be able to. So I decided this week or weekend to get my hair cut and colored. Here is the look I am going for. Don't mind the girl now just the hair LOL The one in the black in all three pics. I like her hair and color so I think I will go for that. You can see my hair now in the pic with my son and his birthday, not pretty ACK!
I got my long hair cut recently to a short style. It is much easier to take care of. I like it better.
I know my hair was short until August last year and then I took biotin and it grew so long over summer noone knew me when I returned to work LOL I like it but I can't do anything with it as it is so thin and then I have to be up at 5 and on the road for work by 6:30 am so not enough time to fuss with it.
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